Assets investigations for injunctive decree

Price Starting from 320.00€

Estimated Time 10 days

Categoria Corporate Investigations

These are informative investigation activities aimed at certifying the extent of the asset of the investigated subject and his financial situation, in order to determine the advisability of undergoing the subject to an injunction.

The investigation will end with the drafting of an informative report useful for credit recovery.

It includes

Real estate: information on buildings and/or land owned by a natural or legal person, even jointly, with other natural and/or legal persons.

Movable property: information on cars and/or similar, motor vehicles, boats, planes, etc. owned by the legal or natural person.

Employment status: by tracing the residence address and domicile of a natural person from the database job position: by providing information on the work duly declared by a natural person:

  • employer
  • type of contract
  • hire date
  • expiry date (if it is a fixed-term contract)
  • estimated salary

Positions: offices held by a natural person shareholdings: shareholdings in Companies held by a natural and/or legal person
