Business information for companies and individuals | Fidavo


Business information

Part of business information is all data functional for making assessments against a company or individual. These investigations can be commissioned by companies about their own customer or supplier, competitors, and all kinds of business partners to check their trustworthiness. Business information reports on companies contain surveys on several areas:

  • balance sheet data;
  • cadastral or chamber of commerce visas; and
  • chamber of commerce information;
  • contact details;
  • financial reports;
  • negative information such as protests or legal proceedings;
  • information on payment behavior.
Through the analysis of different areas of interest, business information returns a comprehensive view of a company, attesting to its condition.

Background check

This service is part of business information and consists of...

Starting from 2000.00 €
Estimated Time 10 days

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Asset tracing

This is a banking investigation that collects information on...

Starting from 200.00 €
Estimated Time 10 days

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Employment status verification

Information is provided on the work duly declared by a natur...

Starting from 150.00 €
Estimated Time 10 days

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Current cadastral survey by subject

The document contains: Summary data related to the reques...

Starting from 5.00 €
Estimated Time 1 day

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